Wednesday, September 29, 2010

みなさん おげんきでいすか

わたしは まいにち しちじはんに おきます。
え-と きのう ごぜん じゅうにじに ねました。
けさ はちじに おきました。
いま 日本ごを べんきゅします。

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reasons for Japanese Language Study

Hello, everyone.

I am happy that I am in this Japanese class. There are several reasons why I study Japanese.

First, Japanese language and culture are quite fascinating. It encourages me to explore a new different culture.
Secondly, I am from China. There are strong ties between Japanese and Chinese languages and cultures, which prompt me to find out the similarity and difference between them.
Thirdly, studying Japanese will help me in reading research sources written in Japanese language and advance my academic work.

But as you know, Japanese is one of the most difficult languages I have ever known, especially grammar. After two weeks of study, I feel difficult in telling which vowel should be long vowel sometimes. Otherwise, it is all good.

Hope everyone enjoys this class as I do :)


はじめまして。わたしは ぺんです。コロンビアだいがくのだいがくいんせいです。
わたしは ちゅうごくから きました。
にほんごの いちねんせいです。
どうぞ よろしく。